Volunteer Gardeners Required for a great new project

If you enjoy gardening and would be interested in helping others to grow their own vegetables, there’s a great new project starting in Longwick. Grow to Give has been launched by the North West Chiltern Community Board at Buckinghamshire Council in conjunction with Longwick-cum-Ilmer Parish Council. We are looking for volunteer gardeners to help people […]

Chairman’s Annual Report 2022

After a break of four years, I once again find myself chairman of the parish council.  Since 2017 much has changed and much has stayed the same.  Changes have included the welcome appointment of a new clerk, now fully qualified, which means the council has greater freedom of operation. Meanwhile the list of issues confronting […]

6th January 2021 Meeting Announcement

Prior to the 6th January 2022 Parish Council meeting there will be a “Meeting of Councillors” at 6pm via Zoom – this is a meeting for discussion only and no decisions will be made. Members of the public are welcome to attend, please contact clerk@bcspc.org.uk for the Zoom details. The January Parish Council will then be held […]

Bledlow cum Saunderton Parish Council is pleased to announce that a new Permissive Footpath has been opened alongside Haw Lane in Bledlow Ridge.

A new “Permissive footpath” has now been opened running alongside Haw Lane. It runs from Bledlow Ridge North East towards the A4010, as marked A to B on an extract of the Buckinghamshire ‘Definitive Map’ below. The Parish Council would like to thank the Landowner for generously allowing the right of way across their land […]

Household Waste Recycling Centre Notice 18/11/21

Message sent to Parish Clerks from the Deputy Cabinet Member for Planning & Regeneration (Enforcement) Buckinghamshire Council as part of the annual Budget process is currently investigating a proposal for the potential reopening of the former Bledlow HRC site for the benefit of local Buckinghamshire residents in that area of the county. Work is progressing […]

Household Waste Recycling Centre Notice 16/11/21

Following the recent announcements on Facebook, Bledlow cum Saunderton Parish Council have spoken to Cllr Robert Carington (Buckinghamshire Councillor) and requested that he obtain, a written statement from the appropriate Buckinghamshire Council cabinet member regarding the future of the Wigans Lane Household Waste Recycling Centre. Simon Breese Chairman Bledlow cum Saunderton Parish Council

REVISED DATE: A4010 Wycombe Road, Saunderton: Carriageway surfacing works 23rd September for 8 nights

Transport for Buckinghamshire will be undertaking carriageway surfacing works along A4010 Wycombe Road Saunderton, between Haw Lane and the Clare Foundation. This work is being undertaken to improve thesurface of the road. The work will commence on Thursday 23rd September and is expected to take up to 8 nights to complete using overnight road closures […]