Village Support Group Update

We just want to reassure residents as we head into another lockdown that the Village Support Group is still here and able to provide help or support to anyone in the Parish in need of it. As ever if you wish to contact the Support Group the freephone number is: 0300 033 1783. We recognise […]

Laptops for Kids Appeal

As part of our commitment to support our community through these difficult times, Bledlow-cum-Saunderton Parish Council is working with local schools to ensure that any child who has Covid symptoms or who cannot come into school because they have to self-isolate, has access to a Laptop suitable for remote learning. The Council has already given […]

The Risborough Basket Christmas Update

PRINCES RISBOROUGH TOWN COUNCIL PRESS RELEASE 24 November 2020 – For immediate release The Council that do your Christmas shopping! Following a successful pilot phase and with Christmas soon approaching,  The Risborough Basket have extended their delivery areas and will now be adding  Saturday’s to their free daily delivery scheme during the month of December, […]

Buckinghamshire Council Budget 2021-22 Consultation Background Each year the Council must prepare a budget and as part of the process seeks the views of residents and businesses regarding priority areas for the year ahead. This year has been exceptional. We have incurred significant additional costs and seen income in many areas reduced in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. We have lost […]

Message from Thames Water

 As a provider of life essential supplies, Thames Water work hard to ensure water never stops flowing but from time to time, things can go wrong. In these events, we try to deliver bottled water to people with water-dependent medical conditions (i.e. at-home dialysis) and to those with mobility issues, first of all. As key […]

Notice of Vacancy

Bledlow-cum-Saunderton Parish Council Saunderton Ward Local Government Act 1972- Sections 87 and 89 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that due to the resignation of Councillor Paul Castle a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of a Parish Councillor for Bledlow-cum-Saunderton Parish Council, Saunderton Ward. If by Thursday 25th June 2020 a request for an election […]

Coronavirus Update June 2020

To date the effect of the pandemic has been far less serious than we had feared at the outset in March.  We had planned for the possibility of 20% of the Parish’s population being off work at the peak which would have equated to 500 people self-isolating at one time. Statistics are not available at […]

Risborough Basket delivers more, including fruit and veg boxes

Since starting as a Bledlow-only service mid-April the service has been expanded to cover the entire Parish, so people in Bledlow, Bledlow Ridge, Saunderton and the Parish’s many hamlets and settlements can now take advantage of the scheme every Tuesday and Friday. The latest development is that from Tuesday 5th May the parish can now […]