Risborough Basket expands

With the help of local volunteers the Risborough Basket will start delivering to Bledlow, with Bledlow Ridge expected to join soon. The retailers are listed on www.risboroughbasket.co.uk: Princes Pets Risborough Cookshop Sally’s Sewing Domestic Appliances Godwins Bakers Art & Office The first run will be on Tuesday 14th April. The Community Bus will leave Risborough […]

Coronavirus Update April 2020

Help during the Coronavirus epidemic The Village Support Group is now fully up and running.  Over 100 volunteers have come forward which should mean we have enough people to cope with the forecast peak of 20% of the Parish self-isolating.  The Parish Council has also allocated a budget to buy hand sanitiser, protective gloves and […]

Connected Counties Newsletter 21

Newsletter 21 Quarterly progress update The programme has made close to 100,000 additional connections available across Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire and still working hard with Openreach to rollout superfast broadband to residents of Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire. The partnership has made close to another 1,500 new superfast connections available since our last Newsletter. Bucks and Herts rank […]

Broadband Update February 2019

Broadband Work Group Thanks to the Connected Counties initiative funded by Wycombe District Council, the broadband service in the Parish is improving.  Their commitment is that all save a handful of properties will receive a 10mbps service.  The parts of Saunderton near the station have long had a good service, with the more remote parts […]

Chairman’s Report 2017

6th April 2017   The Neighbourhood Plan The Neighbourhood Plan has progressed well.  Following several rounds of public consultation the final draft was submitted to Wycombe District Council in August 2016 within 12 months of the official start date.  This is a record performance as we are told most Neighbourhood Plans take about two years […]

Chairman’s Report 2016

4th May 2016   The Neighbourhood Plan As I reported last year there was significant public concern caused by the various proposals for the Molins Site; this together with the solar farm proposed at Holly Green in 2014 removed any possible doubt that the Parish needed a local plan reflecting the wishes of local people. […]

Chairman’s Report 2014

3rd April 2014 Road Maintenance The Parish Council contributed £5,000 towards the Vehicle Activated Signs that have been installed at Bledlow on the B4009.  After some teething problems they are now working satisfactorily, though their siting has been questioned.  More VASes are soon to be installed in Bledlow Ridge, though again their precise siting has […]

Chairman’s Report 2013

1st May 2013 Co-options & Councillors It was with some reluctance that I agreed to succeed Bob Uglow as Chairman of the Council owing to the time needed to carry out the duties properly.  I remain of this point of view but hope that I have come somewhere close to my predecessor’s level of effectiveness. […]

Bledlow-cum-Saunderton Neighbourhood Plan adopted by Wycombe District Council

On 23rd June 2017 Wycombe District Council formally adopted the Bledlow-cum-Saunderton Neighbourhood Plan and its Appendices, concluding a journey which started in the summer of 2015. From this date the Bledlow-cum-Saunderton Neighbourhood Plan forms part of Wycombe District Council’s Development Plan and will be used to make decisions related to land uses and planning applications in […]

Bledlow-cum-Saunderton Neighbourhood Plan approved at referendum

81.48% of local residents who voted at the referendum on 4th May 2017 wanted Wycombe District Council to use the Bledlow-cum-Saunderton Neighbourhood Plan to help it decide planning applications in the parish. Further details can be found on the Wycombe District Council website. The Plan will come into force once adopted by Wycombe District Council […]

Bledlow-cum-Saunderton Neighbourhood Plan submitted for referendum

The Bledlow-cum-Saunderton neighbourhood planning referendum will take place on 4th May 2017 on the question: “Do you want Wycombe District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Bledlow-cum-Saunderton parish to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?” Further details on the referendum can be found on the Wycombe District Council website.