
Retention and Disposal Policy

Parish Council Risk Assessment

Scheme of Delegation

Complaints Policy

Financial Regulations

Standing Orders

Code of Conduct

Privacy Notice

Data Protection Policy

Model Publication Scheme

Website Accessibility Statement

DocumentAdopted Last Reviewed Next Review
Retention and Disposal Policy June 22 n/a June 25
Risk Assessment  May 22 May 24 May 25
Scheme of Delegation  Feb 22 June 24 May 25
Complaints Policy  Oct 22 May 22  Oct 25
Financial Regulations  July 24  May 25
Standing Orders May 21 May 24 May 25
Code of Conduct Sept 21 May 23 May 25
Privacy Notice June 20 May 22 May 25
Data Protection Policy Aug 20 May 22 May 25
Model Publication Scheme Aug 20 May 22 May 25
Website Accessibility Statement Sept 20 May 22 May 25